Eco-driving, alternative fuels!
Our advice for making a small gesture for the planet, and for your wallet!
For many city dwellers, the automobile meets most travel needs. But fuel, tires, insurance, parking, maintenance, and repairs weigh on the budget, and the private car represents a significant cost item.
Fortunately, some techniques can reduce costs: these are, among others, eco-driving, the conversion to alternative ecological fuels, and the more systematic use of the bicycle for short journeys or public transport. ; a wide range of solutions is available to you.
1/ Eco-driving, a responsible attitude
In a few words, eco-driving is a behavior aimed at reducing environmental impact by adopting a soft driving style. Eco-driving makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption and preserve consumables such as tires or brakes.
The number 1 secret of eco-driving is anticipation. By applying the points below, you will make a gesture for the environment, your vehicle, and, therefore, your wallet!
Our advice :
Adapt your speed to the circumstances. If you see slowing in the distance, begin to decelerate and downshift to use engine braking. Thus, you will slow down without overconsuming your fuel and without wearing your brakes.
Always avoid overconsumption of fuel, avoid over-revving and apply a smoother ride.
Check your tire pressure regularly. Under-inflated tires increase your consumption and present a high risk of explosion on the road.
If possible, drive empty. Pounds in the trunk are extra and sometimes superfluous pounds for which your car will have to expend energy.
If your stop should exceed 20 seconds, switch off the ignition. From 20 seconds, it is considered economically preferable to turn the engine off and on again rather than leaving it running.
To cool your cabin, choose open windows rather than air conditioning. Although both slightly increase your vehicle's fuel consumption, it is preferable to favor the windows opening at low speed and the air conditioning for main roads and motorways.
If your trunk lacks space, prefer roof boxes to galleries. Roof boxes have better aerodynamics than roof racks. They allow you to save fuel on long journeys. Whether you use one or the other of these solutions, remember to remove them from your vehicle as soon as you no longer need them.
How to train in eco-driving?
Today, several organizations offer training to raise awareness among drivers. These training courses are sometimes even offered to employees at the initiative of their employers. In terms of fleet management, some companies go so far as to reward their most eco-responsible drivers.
For example, the CNFCE offers half-day training and even coaching for companies with several dozen employees to train (for example, non-sedentary sales teams).
In addition to training, the software lets you see your consumption or average speed in real-time.
2/ The rise of alternative fuels
Formerly marginal, alternative fuels such as bio-ethanol, biodiesel, LPG, or CNG are becoming essential for service stations.
Allowing you to make significant savings thanks to their very advantageous prices, these fuels are compatible with most car models and brands, subject to a few modifications to the vehicles.
3/ Electric bike: the aids available
Economical, ecological, and fun, cycling remains one of the most environmental and economical means of transport.
Different aids exist to acquire an electric bike:
As part of acquiring an electric vehicle, you are eligible for aid financed by the State and the community on which you depend. The region, the metropolis, and the department of your residence can each subsidize your electric bike. These subsidies are generally based on your household income, to which the bicycle bonus can also be added. With an amount equivalent to the aid-financed by your local authority, it remains limited to $200.
You can also benefit from the bicycle allowance thanks to your regular bicycle use. Replacing the bicycle mileage allowance introduced in 2016, this bonus is intended to be more straightforward. For example, it no longer requires the employee to justify the kilometers traveled by bicycle during his business trips.
To benefit from it, contact your employer: the amount can reach up to $400! However, you must be able to justify using your bike (or carpooling) for at least 100 days a year.
So. This article is far from exhaustive. We invite you to complete this reading with the many contents you can find on all web platforms, podcasts, and numerous press articles full of advice and ideas to consider tomorrow's driving.
We want you to understand above all that the practices of reasoned driving, the use of alternative means of transport or less expensive fuels, are part of a global logic of economy of means.
By applying eco-driving gestures, using alternative fuels, and promoting the use of bicycles, public transport, and mobility solutions, you will be doing something for the planet... And your power to purchase!